prediksi jitu Beware of scare-ware! Perhaps the biggest and widest spreading virus infection is Windows XP Antivirus or Antivirus XP 2008. Do not allow this program to infest your computer, remove XP Antivirus immediately! If you are not sure your CPU has been infected, then check if your system has exhibited at least one of the following symptoms.' Computer constantly bombarded with 'warning spyware has been detected' pop up ads and taskbar notifications begging you to download the XP Antivirus ... Read the rest of this entry » Nov 23 2013 Download Antivirus Pro: Keep Your System Secure POSTED: UNDER COMPUTERS. You have bought your system for a specific purpose and now it is not working. There could be myriad of problems with your system. What you had always desired was a system that would be free from all the problems. After all you did not spend your money to fret over what ails your P.C that it is not working the way it should. Well now you can afford to stop worrying about your system. What you had always wanted is just a click away. There are many free anti virus software available on the net ... Read the rest of this entry » Nov 22 2013 How to Compare Antivirus Software? POSTED: UNDER COMPUTERS. There's an influx of antivirus software in the internet these days. Antivirus software are everywhere in the internet. Article about them are also common. The problem with having too much of one thing is that you will have a hard time selecting the good from the bad. To come up with a list of possible choices one has to compare antivirus software. Comparing is not easy, considering the number of antivirus to compare. Many website are there to help with comparison but they only compare a few. ... Read the rest of this entry »